The 7 best foods for heart health
One can say seven steps to heaven, seven colours of the rainbow, seven super foods for excellence, seven super specialty foods for excellence in health , healing, and wellness. Best foods, super foods for health, the term super foods have come because they bring ultimate vitality in low volumes of their consumption. You don't need to consume huge portions to bring vitality, immunity, and longevity. Super foods or the best foods that support heart health need to be consumed sensibly and intelligently as per your needs, objectives, and medical concerns only, never indiscriminately. Yet, one can list down these seven super foods and see how they fit into your life for your desires of wellness, your upregulating your immunity, upscaling your energy. Plant-based nutrition is associated with heart benefits . Here are the seven heart friendly food groups shared by Mickey Mehta, Global Leading Holistic Health Guru/ Corporate Life Coach: Whole grains like millets, buckwheat, steel cut or ...